Lotus Flower Trust

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New Year Project News

The year 2018 starts with a strong resolve to continue to change lives at Lotus Flower Trust. The building of the Boys Accommodation block at the JSR Home is currently underway. We look forward to sharing photographs soon. Thanks to the ACT Foundation and the Alan and Nesta Ferguson Charitable Settlement for providing funds to allow these children with special needs, many without or unwanted by parents, to stay on site. The Clerkson Jersey Charitable Trust have also funded 3 specialist teacher’s salaries which will greatly improve the children’s education.

Nyoma School Girls’ Accommodation is also under construction, funded by TFWA Care. The girls can’t wait to move in! What an improvement to the tin shed they were using before – boiling in the day and freezing at night. We look forward to showing you photographs when they are in – we plan to visit in August next year!

Finally, more than 1,600 women have been trained to use sewing machines at our very successful Ladies Community Skills Centre project in Nua, Rajasthan, funded by CBD Charitable Trust. Since training, many ladies have signed up to micro banking and have been given £100 to buy their own sewing machine with 3% interest on repayment. If they keep up their payments they will be given further money from the Government to help set up their own businesses. We are very proud of all the ladies who now run the Skills Centre and who have trained here.

Thank you for your on-going interest and support for the destitute and deprived women and children of India. We are most grateful for all donations at www.lotusflowertrust.org 

More news soon!