Brahmaputra Slum Children Still Safe — Lotus Flower Trust

Brahmaputra Slum Children Still Safe

Brahmaputra April 2021.jpg

Some lovely photographs received from our Brahmaputra children home for slum children in Guwahati, Assam where the children have remained throughout the pandemic to prevent them from being returned to their former appalling lives in the railway slums.

So glad to see their smiling faces and to think of their much-improved future prospects away from the edge of the railways, drugs and trafficking, now safe, protected and educated in a lovely home run by Sstep Guwahati.

On behalf of all the children, thanks to all the funders and supporters of this amazing project that we are so very proud to have completed:

Please donate if you are able to support this project and many others which desperately need our help:

Thank you!

#brahmaputrarailwayhome #Brahmaputra #brahmaputrariver #Assam #EducationIsLife #lotusflowertrust #lftchanginglivesforever

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