Dangerous School Desperately Needs Funds — Lotus Flower Trust

Dangerous School Desperately Needs Funds

Dangerous School Desperately Needs Funds

Despite the many struggles we face raising funds at the moment, nothing will stop us trying to help the children who attend this school, the Chaudhary Kanya Higher Secondary School, Mankua Village in Moradabad. It's a big ask but £100,000 is needed to refurbish the school which is in a dangerous state of repair. Can you help?

This is one of the most appalling schools we have ever been asked to support! The pictures below show the dreadful conditions the 607 children attending this school must endure along with the long suffering staff. The current building is unhygienic, unfit for purpose and extremely unsafe.

Even in these conditions, after the closure by the Government of all other schools in the area, there are a further 250 children desperately waiting to join the school, bringing the potential numbers of children aged 5 to 15 to 900 and more.

Moradabad is a Muslim area of Utter Pradesh, the second poorest State in India. Muslims are often seen by Government as second class citizens and treated accordingly. In this school, children of all religions and castes are welcome, all of them are very poor.

Lotus Flower Trust would like to fund and build a new two floor school for the staff and children, consisting of 17 classrooms, a staff room, a teacher’s room, and an office as well as separate new toilets and washing facilities for the staff, the girls, and the boys.


Please help us change so many lives and donate if you can: https://www.lotusflowertrust.org/donate

Thank you

#lotusflowertrust #lftchanginglivesforever #moradabad #mankuavillage #breakingthecycleofpoverty #educationsaveslives