Everest & North Col Challenge Completed!

Winchester Day John and Sam.jpg

John's epic 30,000 ft virtual climb to Everest is now complete! No mean feat when you are more than 80 years old! Congratulations John!

Friday 24th September was also 100 years on from Mallory's journey to the North Col and to mark this, more than 500 boys from Winchester College ran a collective total of 4,400 km, in and around the school grounds, crushing their 2,500 km target - an amazing achievement in support of Lotus Flower Trust. Congratulations to all the staff and students and to LFT Trustee Sam Hart, pictured with John above, for his own impressive 14 km run! Thank you SO much Winchester College. We couldn't be more grateful for all your support.

Please do keep supporting us and donate if you can. We'd love to get a little closer to our target to help change more lives in India. Thank you.

Click here to Donate

Watch John live on Facebook at WInchester College to find out how all the staff and students fared on their North Col Challenge!

#everestchallenge2021 #northcol21 #lotusflowertrust #lftchanginglivesforever #everest