Lotus Flower Trust's Artificial Glaciers are Changing Lives Forever — Lotus Flower Trust

Lotus Flower Trust's Artificial Glaciers are Changing Lives Forever

Rigzin Namgial thanks Lotus Flower Trust for funding Artificial Glacier at Ursi, Ladakh.

So thrilled with the hugely positive impact these relatively cheap and simple installations are having on so many lives. Invented by ‘The Iceman of Ladakh’ Chewang Norphel, Artificial Glaciers restore water - rapidly receding up the Himalayan mountains due to global warming - to villages who are desperately struggling without. Hundreds of villagers are being forced from their homes, leaving their centuries-old culture and traditions behind. Not so Ursi Village in Ladakh! But there are many more Himalayan Villages which urgently need our support…

Please help Lotus Flower Trust fund Artificial Glaciers to restore water and help save more lives!



#lotusflowertrust #lftchanginglivesforever #himalayas #ladakh #artificialglaciers #restoringwater #icemanofladakh #cliimatechange #globalwarming

Villagers from Ursi Village, Ladakh, thank Lotus Flower Trust for funding their Artificial Glacier.