Treacherous Trek to Build Tuna Anganwadi

This video shows just how remote some of the places we work in are!

Here you can see local Ladakhi builders passing 90 cement and sand bags across the mighty Indus River using a cable trolley, also known as 'The Flying Fox'.

These will then be transported by hand 2km up a steep slope to the village of Tuna to complete an Anganwadi for children we have funded (thanks to a generous private donation) here. Gruelling work to reach those in need...

But if we don't fund these vital projects, no-one will. Please Donate here if you can:

Thank you.

#tunavillage #ladakh #ladakhdiaries #ladakhtourism #ladakhtrip #himalayas #himalayanschools #lotusflowertrust #lftchanginglivesforever #ecodesign Rigzin Namgail
